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The CHSU College of Pharmacy Difference

  • 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

The CHSU College of Pharmacy Difference

  • 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic Medicine (CHSU-COM)

Located in the beautiful town of Clovis, within the agriculturally rich California Central Valley, the CHSU College of Osteopathic Medicine (CHSU-COM) is the first medical school of its kind in the region and third College of Osteopathic Medicine in California.  

Aligned with the University mission, the College of Osteopathic Medicine strives to recruit, train, and retain diverse future physicians to serve the Central Valley of California, especially the underserved population. 

CHSU promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in our campus culture. Students can explore meaningful career, leadership, community service, and personal interest opportunities through an array of Student Professional Organizations, Clubs, and the Student Government Association on campus.  

Our students speak over 35 languages collectively and Medical Spanish is required in the curriculum, which will help them serve our diverse patient population in the region and beyond.

CHSU-COM utilizes small group learning and incorporates the latest technology such as holographic anatomy and handheld ultrasound throughout our curriculum. Our Osteopathic Principles and Practices/Clinical Skills lab optimizes learning with a hands-on diagnosis and treatment modality to promote health and wellness, optimize recovery from musculoskeletal trauma, disease and post-surgical conditions, and help prevent illness. 

Facilitated by our team of dedicated educators, our innovative program is designed to train caring and competent physicians. Because proper nutrition is essential to good health, we have included Nutrition as a component throughout the curriculum. Through early service–learning opportunities, students are embedded in community health care facilities during their 1st and 2nd years of medical school. 


Mission Statement

To graduate exceptional Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine by:

1. Inspiring a diverse student body to commit to careers that serve our region, with a focus on recruiting students from the Central Valley;
2. Developing compassionate, highly trained, intellectually curious, adaptive leaders capable of meeting the healthcare needs of the future through a performance-based education;
3. Empowering people to teach, serve, research, innovate, and practice collaboratively in areas of skill and expertise in disciplines related to osteopathic medicine.