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Graduate Studies at Brock University

  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
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Graduate Studies at Brock University

The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Brock University gives you the opportunity to work one-on-one with award-winning researchers and faculty members. Our first-class research environment offers graduate students access to state-of-the-art lab space with multi-million dollar equipment.

Our transdisciplinary approach to research allows experts from different fields to combine their expertise to collaborate on fresh new approaches to common problems.

Graduate Studies at Brock offers masters and doctoral programs from all six of our academic faculties. We currently have 49 different programs that cross all disciplines and include many options such as co-op, full-time or part-time studies, research-based and course-based programs.

Additionally, we offer our students (who are enrolled in full-time research-based programs) competitive funding packages so they can focus on their research while living in the beautiful and affordable Niagara region.

We deliver an environment of excellence, innovation and opportunity. We are making our mark!

Discover all that we have to offer at

Vitae: Essential Skills

Selecting a graduate school is an exciting process. In making your decision, you consider a whole range of factors that ultimately suit your intellectual interests, as well as the experience and career you imagine.

Research, writing, and conversations about ideas are the intellectual skills that build a scholarly life. These skills are also highly valued by employers.

Whether you envision a career in the public sector, private sector or in academics, your intellectual abilities will provide you with career agility. In addition to your graduate program, VITAE offers co-curricular professional development programs to support your personal, academic, social and professional success.

At Brock, we believe your graduate experience is about becoming the person you envision and about creating your life. We’ve designed a program that will help you to uncover, develop, rehearse and build your intellectual skills, as well as a whole range of additional skills that will prepare you for any profession.

Grad school is a place to expand and develop a range of professional competencies. From teaching to learning, and public speaking to collaborative leadership — VITAE offers a full spectrum of development programs. Workshops are facilitated in an informal conversational style by skilled facilitators.

The VITAE: Essential Skills Professional Development Program will help you identify, develop and rehearse your transferable skills; tailor your concurrent professional education to your unique talents and interests; and hone and rehearse the skills and competencies that will set you apart from the others.

Financial Information

Each year, the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Brock University invests millions of dollars into our graduate students and the research they are pursuing.

When deciding to pursue graduate studies, financing your education is an important consideration. Our goal is to ensure that our students have the opportunity to fully dedicate themselves to the successful completion of their graduate program.